Farm Camp 2022 - By: Gracie E.
When I grow up I want to live on a farm and be a large animal vet. That is why Farm Camp is perfect for me.
The first then we do when we get to Farm Camp is check the progress of the meat chickens and see if they have grown. Then we go to the gardens and pick weeds and water our vegetables. I love working in our gardens and my favorite thing is that all the vegetables go to families in need. Next, we get to see the pigs and the egg-laying chickens. We also get to see the sheep, llamas, and the little pony.
My favorite part of farm camp is feeding the pigs. I love learning about the pigs. Did you know that pigs are the 5th smartest animal in the world? When I heard that I was very amazed. Another one of my favorite things is that we get to see the baby kittens and play with them.
Once the day is over at Farm Camp I look back on all that we have accomplished and think of how much fun I had. I love Farm Camp so much and I always look forward to doing it every year. This is why I love Farm Camp.